Doctoral charter of the Universities of Strasbourg and Haute-Alsace
The University of Strasbourg obtained the highest grade at the 2009 assessment of French universities' doctoral charters, led by the national Confederation of young researchers (CJC). This achievement certifies the university's attractiveness in terms of doctoral policy. Indeed, the Doctoral Charter contributes to the high quality of doctoral training offered by the different schools within the University of Strasbourg site.
The former doctoral charters in place at the universities of Strasbourg and Haute-Alsace (UHA) have been combined in the aim of creating a unique Charter in harmony with the site's doctoral policy. The new Doctoral Charter, validated by the university's Doctoral College council on the 20th May 2016, defines the thesis preparation principles. It aims to guarantee doctoral candidates access to the highest quality of work and training offered by the different schools. Thesis preparation is framed within a doctoral school, linked to the Doctoral College. Doctoral schools are in charge of selecting and registering their candidates, as well as organising the offered training programmes. Doctoral schools also support doctoral candidates' career development. The thesis subject and the necessary working conditions are defined collaboratively by the doctoral candidate and their supervisor – who is linked to a research unit. The University is fully engaged in respecting the principles dictated by the present Charter; in the case of theses under joint supervision with another university or research centre abroad, the partner institution is made aware of its content. The Charter is signed by the doctoral candidate, their supervisor, the director of the research unit, and the doctoral school director (or the representative in the UHA branch where relevant).
The present Doctoral Charter exposes the principles guiding the preparation of doctoral candidates' career development, thesis topic and feasibility, supervision and monitoring of the thesis, project duration, publication and promotion of the thesis and mediation processes in the case of conflict. The Doctoral Charter is available to download (PDF) in French and English.
Doctoral candidates' rights and duties⚓
Right of expression, of representation, right to associate and to be part of a union
Duty to complete the research project and follow prescribed training
Duty to engage with future career prospects
Duty to respect rules related to community life within the research unit
Duty to inform supervisor about the progress of his thesis and potential difficulties encountered
Supervisor's duties⚓
Duty to help define the thesis subject and follow-up on the project progression
Duty to scientifically supervise the project
Duty to be aware of the different training programs undertaken by the doctoral candidate
Duty to ensure the doctoral candidate demonstrates innovative spirit
Duty to inform the doctoral candidate of any feedback (positive or negative) they may have about the project